Access Quadratic for the classroom
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Access Quadratic for the classroom
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Teachers and professors have primarily leveraged Quadratic as a way to teach their students complex concepts more intuitively.
Quadratic combines a code editor with a spreadsheet, allowing students to visualize the results of their code in real-time, without worrying about setting up complex environments, installing libraries, versioning, or other complex issues. Students can learn how to do modern analytics in an environment that is optimized for doing so.
Teachers are leveraging Quadratic to better engage their students across all disciplines.
Aside from learning how to code and doing modern analytics, students also get exposure to spreadsheets in a modern and fun way. Students groan at using more traditional spreadsheets; Quadratic is a spreadsheet that people love to use, one that just works, is performant, and is built like a modern application should be built.
Quadratic has been built to be the best spreadsheet for developers, which means a focus on building a great developer experience. Quadratic's editor is built on Monaco (the underpinning of VS Code).
Students don't need to setup new environments or manage complex Git operations. Packages are automatically installed and importable.
Quadratic is one of the best interfaces for teaching students how to code.
Learn more about how Python works in Quadratic.
Teach your students to query databases with our SQL connections and SQL language editor.
Coming soon.
Use the ChatGPT AI for free as a coding assistant. Powered by ChatGPT 4.0. Quadratic is a proud member of the Vercel AI Accelerator.
Give your students exposure to the modern AI tools they'll use in their future careers.
Students can spin up collaborative spreadsheets in a few clicks and immediately collaborate with code and formulas. Easily collaborate without worrying about git, versioning, and other concerns. Popular packages are automatically installed and ready to import - don't worry about setting up environments for your student groups.
Learn more about creating teams.
Get started by signing up with a valid academic email address here.