Return data to the sheet

Return the data from your Python code to the spreadsheet.

Quadratic is built to seamlessly integrate Python to the spreadsheet. This means being able to manipulate data in code and very simply output that data into the sheet.

By default, the last line of code is output to the spreadsheet. This should be one of the four basic types:

  1. Single value: for displaying the single number result of a computation

  2. List of values: for displaying a list of values from a computation

  3. DataFrame: for displaying the workhorse data type of Quadratic

  4. Chart: for displaying Plotly charts in Quadratic

You can expect to primarily use DataFrames as Quadratic is heavily built around Pandas DataFrames due to widespread Pandas adoption in almost all data science communities!

1. Single Value

Note the simplest possible example, where we set x = 5 and then return x to the spreadsheet by placing x in the last line of code.

# create variable 
x = 5 

# last line of code gets returned to the sheet, so x of value 5 gets returned

2. List of values

Lists can be returned directly to the sheet. They'll be returned value by value into corresponding cells as you can see below.

# create a list that has the numbers 1 through 5 
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# returns the list to the spreadsheet 

3. DataFrame

You can return your DataFrames directly to the sheet by putting the DataFrame's variable name as the last line of code.

# import pandas 
import pandas as pd
# create some sample data 
data = [['tom', 30], ['nick', 19], ['julie', 42]]
# Create the DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Name', 'Age'])
# return DataFrame to the sheet

4. Charts

Build your chart and return it to the spreadsheet by using the fig variable name or .show()

# import plotly
import as px

# replace this df with your data
df ="country=='Canada'")

# create your chart type, for more chart types:
fig = px.line(df, x="year", y="lifeExp", title='Life expectancy in Canada')

# display chart, alternatively can just put fig without the .show()

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