Getting started

Get started writing rich Python code inside the spreadsheet.

Quadratic is very focused on a rich developer experience. This means focusing on features that enable you to have a streamlined development workflow, not unlike what you might experience in your favorite IDE.

Python is a first-class citizen in Quadratic. This means ample room to extend the code editor, AI code assistance, and rich error messaging.

We view Python as having four key roles in the spreadsheet:

  1. Ingest data - get the data you're looking for into the spreadsheet for analysis

  2. Clean data - wrangle your data and get it in a format that is clear and readable

  3. Manipulate data - merge cleaned datasets, glean basic insights, move data from point A to point B

  4. Present & visualize data - glean key business insights from your data, reference it in other sources, visualize it, and deliver it as PDFs, apps, etc.

Each step above is a major step in the data analysis process and often involves multiple applications. In Quadratic we want teams to go from ingesting data to understanding and referencing their data in a short time, with minimal tooling.

The following pages summarize the four steps we think are important for using Python in Quadratic, starting with ingesting data. First, however, you need to learn how to reference the sheet from Python, how Python packages work in Quadratic, and how to display your data in the spreadsheet.

Last updated