Sharing files

Share files to work together with your team.

With Quadratic Multiplayer, you have complete control over the privacy of your files. Files are private (to you) by default. As the file owner, it's up to you to add and remove users and assign their roles.

Unlike Teams, every individual file you create has its own permissions.

Note: you are limited in how many shared files you can create without creating a team.


  • Owner: full editing rights, full access controls permissions

  • Editor: full editing rights, no access controls permissions

  • Viewer: can't edit the file, can't edit access controls permissions

Note: The creator of the file is the owner and cannot reassign ownership. To create new ownership of the file, it must be duplicated to a different user.

Start adding and removing members by clicking the Share button on the top right.

From there, add and remove roles as you see fit.

Users will receive their invite to view or edit in their email as soon as you've pressed the Invite button.

As an alternative to roles, you can also make it possible for anyone with the link to either edit or view. With this setting turned on, you can share your link with others without managing roles.

Note: this is a less secure approach, as anyone with the link can then share the link with anyone else.

For easier permissioning and unlimited sharing, consider creating a team.

Last updated